Dan Preston is a documentary filmmaker by day, progressive activist by evening, sleeper at night, and mountain biker and enjoyer of life with his wife Maggie by weekend.
Dan began making monster movies, animations and toga epics in junior high school. He graduated from Yale University with a degree in economics (with a focus on public policy, energy and the environment), while continuing to make films via coursework and on his own. After several years as an economic forecaster, Dan decided to pursue film/TV full time. He ended up working on the PBS series “Adam Smith’s Money World”, beginning as a researcher and eventually as a producer responsible for over 50 half-hour programs airing nationally on PBS. He then joined up with the founders of Telequest, Inc. in Princeton, an independent production company with a roster of mostly nonprofit and educational clients (and a number of enlightened for-profits). Dan is now the owner and CEO of Telequest.